Sunday, April 5, 2009

........ WOW...... ITS OVER!

I have been contemplating what to write here all day!

ITS OVER! One thousand kilometres!!!!! Wow! I have done some amazing things in my life, have met amazing people from all over the world and been fortunate to grow up with great parents and friends.... the most important thing I can write is my heartfelt thanks to you all. There are so many special people to thank... it would be hard to find time to do that. I hope that every one of you that have been special and specially involved in this EPIC, know who you are and know that I am so very very grateful.

My plan is to try and write, this week, a bit of a blow by blow story. It might be long, but I think what has been done by all is worthy of mention and it might just make great reading!

There were some terrible low moments for me. The guts to keep going came from the support around me and the kids that I was doing it for. It is amazing to think that what we have done is actually and truly going to make a difference to kids and families and could really help the future of our community. For every donation we have received, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The bottom line is that the money, the shoes and the awareness that have been raised is almost priceless. You should really pat yourself on the back.... my job was for a few days... but the money raised will keep making a difference long after you have forgotten about this weekend. You are the ones that have made the difference!

I’d also like to thank the big fella up stairs and mother nature! OMG, can you imagine how impossible it would have been to complete this if I had to battle into a wind like the one that blew up yesterday! man o man.... Thursday was gorgeous, cold, but gorgeous. Friday and Saturday were also great. No doubt the wind was up... but the rain man stayed away and I think it’s fair to say, everyone enjoyed the great event that was the GRAPE RIDE!

I want to say sorry for the speech I made at the presentation. I was smashed... I left EVRYTHING on the road. I did the last lap in around 3 hours. I was possessed... I wanted to get home. I was tired, exhausted, sleep deprived and sore. I wanted to thank more people and wanted to say much more about Cholmondeley. I trust you'll understand that I was exhausted.

Lastly, I have been fortunate to experience something not many people get to experience. I have seen the warmth and generosity first hand. From my closest friends and family, to complete strangers. I have done over 9000kms since December 29th. I have given everything to ensure that what I said I would do I did..... AND I DID. At the lowest points I remembered the texts and the calls, the comments, the toots, the claps and the signs..... I am in awe of your spirit to get behind this.


Congratulations! WE DID IT! One thousand kilometres! Totally bloody epic!

My experience will follow this week.
You can still donate!

Love and best wishes..... And THANKS!


Friday, April 3, 2009


Its done, not long ago Scotty crossed the line to complete his epic 1000km fundraising ride. He's understandably, pretty shattered, but he made it on schedule.
For those who haven't checked it out, take a look at

Tail Wind Home

Heading to Havelock for the last time and then tailwind to the finish line

Last Lap

He's onto the last lap, now less 100km to go, and i'm sure he's counting each one down as he gets closer to getting off the bike for the last time.

The End Is In Sight

Scotty hit the road again at 6 this morning with the final task of a 200km day ahead of him. He has made it to Havelock on lap 1, now with a tail wind to the start finish line and a final lap to complete the 1000km.
The 2lap racers set off early this morning to join the 5 lapers on the course and by 9 this morning everyone was out on the course enjoying the beautiful Graperide.

The Night Shift

Finishing in the very late hours of friday night/early saturday morning Scotty completed his 4 back to back laps of the Graperide course, taking his total KM's cycled to ove 800. With a few hours sleep he'll be back on the bike this morning with 2 more loops to go. Today at least he'll have the company of over 2000 Graperiders to help push him along, and knowing that he has almost done it

Thursday, April 2, 2009

He Needs All Your Support

It's getting late into afternoon number 2, Scotty's been in the saddle for more than 35 of the last 40 hours!!
He's doing it tuff now with just under 2 laps still to complete tonight. Curently Scotty is on the Grove Track, somewhere bewteen Picton and Havelock, anyone in the area who can should get out there and cheer him on, right now he needs a big lift to his spirits to help him through